In Loving Memory of Mom...: Out of the mouths of Babes...

Friday, May 8, 2009

Out of the mouths of Babes...

Teresa called the other day to tell me something that Matthew did.
She has a photo of Mom as a baby on her kitchen table and the picture of Mom at her last birthday dinner (the one at the top of this page) on her refrigerator. She told Matthew that the baby in the picture was baby Nana.
Matthew turned and looked at the fridge and back at the table photo and blurted out...Baby Nana...Big Nana.
How do kids do that?
I often wear my Mom's flip flops (these slip on, bright red, big chunky, Nana looking, flips) to go out in the backyard. The other day I slipped them on but since it's been raining like everyday I left them on the deck to dry. Well Mia saw them sitting right outside the door and said "Nana's shoes". Now how in the world would she know that??
It's truly amazing what kids pick up on; what they remember. Neither Mia or Matthew could possibly remember Mom (oh that hurts so much to write). They see photos (tons of photos) and their parents must talk about her often (props to them). But do they remember? They can't possibly.
Gavin, being the oldest of the three (who is three) might have a shot at remembering Mom. But I think that too is a stretch. Yet at her wake Mom was so there with him. I mean of course she was there but her spirit was actually there. The wake was 1 1/2 days. We were back and forth there for probably 2 1/2 full days. Every time that Gavin was there he would go to this one spot, amongst the flowers and throw his ball. He was so insistent on being in this one spot. What or who else could it be, but Mom??
Every day I wish she was here, on this earth, to see how her grand kids are growing up. Sometimes I feel bad that I am here experiencing what she would have given anything to see and feel. There's a new baby on the way soon and it brings tears to my eyes that Mom will never get to met your newest grandson. over these little ones. Be their guardian angel. Give them your wisdom and knowledge. Guide them as they grow and learn and always remember we will do our best to keep your memory in their hearts.


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Nana and her babies...

Nana and her babies...
Gavin, Matthew & Mia with Nana taken Easter Morning 2007