In Loving Memory of Mom...: Memory Bears...

Friday, June 27, 2008

Memory Bears...

Last night I was watching a television show, Denise Richards...It's Complicated. Denise Richards is an actress I am sure most of us have heard/seen/read about. Well her mother recently died of Cancer. Denise has two little girls and to help with their loss she had two Memory Bears made for them. Memory Bears are a keepsake teddy bears made out of cherished clothing of a loved one. What a GREAT idea and now I must have one!

I googled memory bears and here's what I came up with. I hope to order one soon and I will be sure to post pictures once I have the bear.

Check out this site...

Nana and her babies...

Nana and her babies...
Gavin, Matthew & Mia with Nana taken Easter Morning 2007